~Provoking the Imagination~



“Question not a perfect world. Question … not at all.” Such is the fundamental dilemma explored in Andropia.

Andropia is the world’s last city, a utopia for its citizens known as Andropians. They exist to please the Maker, he who created them in his floating Citadel. Andropians cheerfully question nothing as they go about unnecessarily purifying air, cleaning water, and raising livestock.

When Isaac arrives from the Citadel, his many questions lead other Andropians to compare him to the deviant Amelia. Soon Amelia and Isaac’s paths cross, and she persuades him to help rescue their people. For she long ago discovered a suspected harbinger of destruction, an object that could mean the end of life as they know it. Isaac and Amelia invade the Citadel and confront the Maker, but nothing could have prepared them for what they learn and their final fates.

Tales of Andropia is a series of eight short stories illuminating significant moments of the novella such as the arrival of the Maker, the birth of Andropia, the unwavering pursuit of purpose among noteworthy Andropians, and the moment Andropia irrevocably changes forevermore.


What people are saying about Andropia

“I loved this book! Foley’s masterfully written sci-fi tale entertains with a thought-provoking theme. It kept my interest through the whole story and I will be rereading it time and again. It has a wonderful twist, I don’t want to give too much away.

It’s a slim volume, but chock full of story that really makes you think. If you prefer short but punchy stories, this is the perfect sci-fi book for you. Teens and young adults (or anyone who feels trapped by the status quo) will especially relate to the main characters and the overarching themes of the book.

There are even discussion questions built into the back of the book to make an easy selection for teachers or book clubs. I also enjoyed the Tales of Andropia, a series of shorts that flesh out the world that Foley has built. These short stories lend well for reading aloud and discussing in a class or book group. They are also an easy read if you only have a few minutes but want to read a little bit every day.”

~Natalie Fee

Andropia, Scott William Foley’s intriguing novel reminiscent of utopian and distopian fiction, presents a number of big questions. What does it mean to be alive? What constitutes humanity? Should we question authority, and if so, why? What is our purpose in life? Does futility mock all endeavors? This slim book rivets attention from the first page, making it nearly impossible to put down until the last word is read. Foley also incorporates many historical and literary references into his story, and though a reader doesn’t need to know these references to enjoy the book, they enrich the writing by evoking concepts that further add to the significance of his science fiction thesis.

“The story consists of two parts, the first, a novel that includes the questions mentioned above and populated with a number of engaging characters. The second part consists of eight stories, seven of which are backstories to the novel. Although the novel and the stories can each stand alone, taken together, they extend the questions and provide a deep dive into the complexity of existence.

“Among the many attractive characters are Isaac and Amelia, the two heroes of the novel. Readers will identify with these characters, eagerly follow their activities, and when the final questions are answered, will realize that everything we know and everything we believe will be turned upside down. Parts of the story I still can’t get out of my thoughts, and the more I think about it, the more questions arise. Andropia is in some ways subversive, in many ways disturbing, and in all ways a thoroughly good read!”

~Dr. Jane Thomas

“I loved Andropia! I started reading it on the “L” train to work, and I rapidly got pulled into the story as it developed from chapter to chapter. It got to the point where I couldn’t wait to get on the train, so that I could read more of it! I like Foley’s technique of closing chapters with a cliffhanger, and I liked the short stories at the end too, which really added great background details to the main story. It was a very quick read, and it definitely made me think deeper as I was trying to figure out what was coming next.”

~Matthew Punnoose

Andropia! I enjoyed this great read and was through it in a flash. Engaging and though-provoking, Andropia will transport you into its mysterious world and make you really wonder about our own world. Asking many questions and opening our minds to think in a new way, the books structure consists of the central story, then features short stories telling parts of the story from different perspectives. Pick this one up and you won’t be disappointed. Let’s hope there will be a sequel to follow.

~Katie Hoffman